Cheatsheet collection
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- OpenID = authetication (standardized tokens)
OAuth2 = authorization (distribution of tokens)
Identity Provider: keycloak (provides a single sign-on experience), Social logins (Facebook, Google, etc.)
- Identity:
Is comprised of Claims == atributes of identity
Services – standards – User Identity Management
- Authorization server (Github) and a potected resource (Repository)
- OAuth2 standard access token: HTML bearer token
- OpenID: Identiy provider provides an ID-token (somehow like a digital signed certificate)
Client/service are the receiver of ID-token (from IdP) and the access token are passed to the protected resource.
- Authorization server (Github) and a potected resource (Repository)
- Authorization server (Github) and a potected resource (Repository)
- Parms/Query string:
Authorization HTTP:
- Authorization: Basic ```bash
JsonWebToken (JWT)
- Authorization Code Flow
- Implicit Flow
- Hybrid Flow
This is the initial step, where we select to login, and where scope defines which claims will be included in our identity-token.
A 'claim' is metadata about a user, i.e. typically a client will request access to the user 'profile', i.e. request a token with the scope 'profile'. See OIDC Scopes for a list of standardized scopes. Some typical scopes are:
openid - indicates that this is an OpenID request. Needed for ID-tokens to be issued.
profile - covers grants such as 'name' and 'birthdate'
Scopes are translated into 'claims' in the ID-token, i.e. metadata that the identity provider asserts are valid. See OIDC Claims for a list of claims
This client identify itself as 'client1'. You will see this ID in the following login screen.
The client is configured with OIDC_AUTH_URL= This is the authorization endpoint of the identity-provider which the client trusts for managing identities.
Authorization Code Flow
App/Service sends/requests scope (scope meaning openid profile) to the identity provider(keycloak) and IDP sends back all 3 tokens.
The app/service never sees the Identity (does not know the credentials user/password) it only sees the client_id.
App/Service initiates the Authorization Code Flow in which ask the Idp to have the client_id and the scope for Keycloak to issue an ID-token.
App/service will ask the IdP to exchange the OneTimeCode for an tokens (ID-token, Access-token and Refresh-token)
Decode JWT token::
# decode JWT and check the payload (based on .dot separators) export IDTOKEN='eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIn...' echo $IDTOKEN | cut -d. -f2 | base64 -d | jq .